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Rights Of Our Pittwater Day Surgery Patients

All patients have the right to receive a quality, personalised health service focused on maximizing their health outcomes. This includes:-

  • The right to have their emotional and physical needs recognised and resources made available to meet their needs

  • The right to be provided with a clear explanation of their medical condition problem or disease

  • an explanation of any treatment, investigation or procedures

    • alternative procedures available to enable them to give an informed consent

    • possible side effects or after effects, adverse outcomes and any risks involved

    • information about your hospital account regardless of payment source

    • be treated without bias, regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, sexual identity or beliefs

    • Be informed about the health care system, including the extent of insurance coverage for services, supplementary costs, the means of referral to other health and social facilities and services in the community.

  • The right to privacy and confidentiality of all information regarding your hospitalisation, treatment and information in your medical records

  • The right to have access to and copies of their medical records and investigations in accordance with legislation and hospital policy

  • The right to withdraw from treatment at a reasonable time

  • The right to refuse to submit to research or experimental treatment

  • The right to seek a second opinion

  • The right to complain & have the issue investigated

  • Click on this link to view the patient rights and responsibilities CLICK

Responsibilities Of Our Pittwater Day Surgery Patients

  • You have the responsibility to provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about your present condition, past illnesses, hospitalisation, medication and any other matters relating to your health.

  • It is in your interest to comply with the prescribed treatment or care. If you do not intend to do this, inform your doctor, or nurse. You will be responsible for your actions if you do not follow the prescribed care or refuse any treatment.

  • Patients should always inform their doctor if receiving treatment from another doctor for whatever reason.

  • Patients should abide by those rules and regulations laid down by the facility for patients and visitors.

  • You should seek information relevant to your medical condition. It helps to be informed about your condition and treatment. Please ask questions if you are unsure or do not understand something.

  • If you are having general anaesthesia or IV or oral sedation you should ensure that you arrange to be escorted home and have a friend or relative stay with you overnight.

  • You should provide details of your Health Fund to enable the facility to provide an estimate of out of pocket expenses payable.

  • Patients will be requested to pay all estimated out of pocket expenses on admission unless alternative arrangements have been made with the director of the facility.

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