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Pittwater Day Surgery Staff
Medication Safety

What does Pittwater Day Surgery do to reduce your medication risks?


Pittwater Day Surgery takes all medication errors very seriously. We encourage staff to report all medication errors as incidents, no matter how minor they may seem. All medication incidents are investigated and actioned, and any serious medication incidents are investigated thoroughly and monitored by the Quality Management team. In 2023, there were 2 medication errors reported and investigated, with no harm occurring to the patient in either case.


In addition, Pittwater Day Surgery has medication administration policies and processes in place which have been developed using best practice principles.


The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has introduced safety initiatives for medication administration and reconciliation and Pittwater Day Surgery has adopted these strategies. This includes the National Inpatient Medication Chart which standardises the documentation on how medicines are prescribed and ordered. We have also adopted Tall Man Lettering which assists in minimising errors between similarly named medications.

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